Friday, January 4, 2008

Spam, spam, eggs and spam...

^^^^ Click to enlarge. (Pun intended.)

This really bummed me out.

[Today is 2-for-1 day, since I won't be home on Saturday.]


Liane said...

Wow, some spam is totally hilarious! If I had the energy for yet another blog, I would have a Spam of the Day (or week/month) blog! Some of it is just hysterical. But what is useful are the names ... a lazy writer can find the most amazing character names just by reading the names of the Spam senders!

hoosiertoo said...

Hey, sweetums - if you look at "post options" when you are creating your post - you can assign any date you want. So you can do 2 in a day, but no-one rally has to know - or be able to prove it...

Which is even better.

R.J. Keller said...

Yes, Viagra/male enhancement spammers love me for some reason. I'm trying not to take it personally.

I'll keep that in mind.