Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Mighty Red Pen

I'm editing my book. Again. I wonder if I'll ever be able to just read the damn thing?


anilize said...

Oh, I'm just the same (even though my book remains unfinished and unprinted). Heck, I sometimes find myself mentally editing other people's books! Even actual published authors with agents and contracts aren't safe from me...

Crystal Lynn said...

When I stage managed at a Regional Theater, I would make notes and corrections right up to the last performance...I was never satisfied. You probably will never read it without the red pen!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, exciting times! I've got to sit down and do the same thing with mine... I've just got to convince myself that it's actually worth it... :)

Cat said...

Ah such a nice writerly photo :) I hope you get to read the book for pleasure, not for editing, soon!

Kimberly said...

I can relate. I am sure I would have the book done by now if I could just stop revising it.

I started reading yours and think it is really good. I haven't been able to finish it, but hope to soon.

hoosiertoo said...

To heck with all that editing nonsense. That's what EDITORS are for.


R.J. Keller said...

According to Self-Editing For Fiction Writers by Renni Brown and Dave King:

"...self-editing is probably the only editing your manuscript will ever get.

Recent cutbacks and consolidations at publishing houses have left many of those houses editorially short-staffed."

This book was published in 1993. I shudder to think of how much worse it is now.

No, I'll edit it as thoroughly as I can myself.

hoosiertoo said...

I, however, am (was) I journalist. Editors may be the bane of my existence, but they at least get paid to edit. I was paid by the article; I didn't get paid to edit.

In fact, it didn't pay to edit, so I was more than happy to let them do their jobs.